Friday, June 13, 2008

Let the fun begin!

I write to you from Milan, Italy. . . just kidding! I write to you from the O'Hare Inn and Suites, where we checked into last night, I mean morning, around 12:30 after getting the run around from the airport and refusing to pay $350 for one night at the Hilton. Aren't airports fun?
Our first flight from Minneapolis to Chicago was delayed because of weather and then congestion of the Chicago airport, meaning we missed all of our connecting flights. The next flight we could get that was reasonable was non-stop to Rome 3:35 Friday afternoon. So we're going to Rome! And then somehow getting on a train to Milan. . .
Corey and I are both doing fine and are flexible enough to handle this kind of stuff, and are SO glad to have each other! (I love being married. :) We know we are the best place we can be, which is in God's hands and seeking to follow Him with all our hearts.
Pray for this flight to go well and wisdom on getting to Milan once we reach our destination.
We will let you know when we get there and love you all!

1 comment:

Erik and Tammy said...

What an adventure! We are praying for you!

Love from the Livingstons